The Lamborghini Murcielago can accelerate from 0 to 27.8 m/s (100 km/hr or 62.2 mi/hr) in a time of 3.40 seconds. How fast will the car be traveling (m/s) after 5.1 seconds.

A car moves at 15 m/s and coasts up a hill with a uniform acceleration of -2.7 m/s2. What is its displacement after 5.1 seconds?


To determine the car's speed after 5.1 seconds, we can use the concept of constant acceleration. This equation relates initial velocity (u), final velocity (v), acceleration (a), and time (t):

v = u + at

We are given the initial velocity (u) as 0 m/s since the car starts from rest. The acceleration (a) is not given directly, but we can calculate it using the distance covered and the time taken for the initial acceleration.

First, let's convert the initial speed from km/hr to m/s:

v = 27.8 m/s

Now, let's calculate the acceleration (a):

a = (v - u) / t
= (27.8 m/s - 0 m/s) / 3.4 s
≈ 8.18 m/s^2

Now that we know the acceleration, we can use the equation to find the car's speed after 5.1 seconds:

v = u + at
= 0 m/s + (8.18 m/s^2) * 5.1 s
≈ 41.82 m/s

Therefore, after 5.1 seconds, the Lamborghini Murcielago will be traveling at approximately 41.82 m/s.

V = Vo + a*t = 27.8

0 + a*3.4 = 27.8
a = 8.18 m/s^2.

V = Vo + a*t = 0 + 8.18*5.1 = 41.70 m/s.