AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO3 .

How many grams of NaCl would be required
to react with 446 mL of 0.211 M AgNO3
Answer in units of grams

mols AgNO3 = M x L = ?

Using the coefficients in the balanced equation, convert mols AgNO3 to mols NaCl.
Now convert mols NaCl to grams. g = mols x molar mass.

2.5 mol Zn and 8.75 mol HCl react according

to the equation
Zn + 2 HCl −→ ZnCl2 + H2 .
Calculate the amount in moles of ZnCl2
Answer in units of mol

Your second problem is a limiting reagent (LR) problem. You know it is a LR problem because amounts are given for BOTH reactants. You do these just like simple stoichhiometry problem BUT do it for EACH reagent then take the smaller amount formed as the product formed.

Convert mols Zn to mols ZnCl2.
2.5 mol Zn will give you 2.5 mol ZnCl2 (1:1 ratio in the equation) if you had HCl in excess.
Do the same for HCl. 8.75 mols HCl will form 1/2(8.75) = 4.375 mols ZnCl2 if you had Zn in excess.
The smaller number is 2.5; therefore, 2.5 mols Zn will be formed, Zn is the limiting reagent, and HCl will be in excess which means some of it will react and there will be some left over.
Then convert 2.5 mol Zn to grams. g = mols x molar mass.

How many grams of NaCl would be required

to react with 594 mL of 0.278 M AgNO3
Answer in units of grams.

To find out how many grams of NaCl are required to react with 446 mL of 0.211 M AgNO3 solution, we need to use stoichiometry and the given concentrations.

Here's how to do it step by step:

1. Start by writing the balanced chemical equation for the reaction:

AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO3

2. Determine the molar ratio between AgNO3 and NaCl from the balanced equation. In this case, the ratio is 1:1, meaning that one mole of AgNO3 reacts with one mole of NaCl.

3. Convert the volume of the AgNO3 solution to moles of AgNO3 using the formula:

moles = volume (in liters) × concentration (in M)

Given: volume = 446 mL = 0.446 L and concentration = 0.211 M
moles of AgNO3 = 0.446 L × 0.211 M = 0.094006 moles

4. Since the molar ratio between AgNO3 and NaCl is 1:1, the moles of NaCl required for the reaction will also be 0.094006 moles.

5. Convert the moles of NaCl to grams using the formula:

grams = moles × molar mass

The molar mass of NaCl is approximately 58.44 g/mol, so:

grams of NaCl = 0.094006 moles × 58.44 g/mol = 5.487 grams

Therefore, approximately 5.487 grams of NaCl would be required to react with 446 mL of 0.211 M AgNO3 solution.