Determine if the number is written in scientific notation. If not, explain 32 * 10^4. (1 point)

No; it is not written as a power of 10.

No; the first factor is not a number between 1 and 10.

Yes; the number is written in scientific notation.

Determine if the number is written in scientific notation. If not, explain 2.01 * 10^-5. (1 point)

No; it is not written as a power of 10.

No; the first factor is not a number between 1 and 10.

Yes; the number is written in scientific notation.

The diameters of four different types of atoms are given below.
Atom A: 1.35 * 10^-7 mm; Atom B: 1.80 * 10^-7 mm; Atom C: 6.00 * 10^-8 mm; Atom D: 2.50 * 10^-8 mm
What is the order of these atoms from largest to smallest? (1 point)

What order of 1.5 * 10^3, 1.4 *10^-1, 2 * 10^3, and 1.4 *10^-2 from least to greatest? (1 point)



Express all as powers of 10^-8 and you get 13.5 18.0 6.00 2.50
Arrange those in order

Order powers of 10, then the digits, if the powers are equal:
10^-2 10^-1 1.3*10^3 2.0*10^3

Thankyou, I posted some other questions to.

The order of the atoms from largest to smallest is:

Atom A: 1.80 * 10^-7 mm
Atom B: 1.35 * 10^-7 mm
Atom C: 6.00 * 10^-8 mm
Atom D: 2.50 * 10^-8 mm

The order of the numbers from least to greatest is:

1.4 * 10^-2
1.4 * 10^-1
1.5 * 10^3
2 * 10^3

To determine if a number is written in scientific notation, we need to see if it is in the form of a * 10^b, where a is a number between 1 and 10, and b is an integer.

Let's apply this to the given examples:

1. For 32 * 10^4:
- The first factor, 32, is not between 1 and 10, so the number is not written in scientific notation.

2. For 2.01 * 10^-5:
- The first factor, 2.01, is between 1 and 10.
- The second factor, -5, is an integer.
Therefore, the number is written in scientific notation.

Now let's move on to the order of the atoms:

To determine the order of the atoms from largest to smallest, we need to compare their respective magnitudes based on the value of the exponent of 10.

Atoms A, B, C, and D have the following exponents:
A: -7
B: -7
C: -8
D: -8

Since the exponents for A and B are the same (-7), we need to compare the first factors (the numbers before the * 10^b). In this case, 1.35 is smaller than 1.80, so Atom A is smaller than Atom B.

Among Atoms C and D, both have the same exponent (-8), so we again compare the first factors. Here, 6.00 is greater than 2.50, so Atom C is greater than Atom D.

Now we compare the larger groups:
Atom B > Atom A > Atom C > Atom D

Therefore, the order of the atoms from largest to smallest is: B, A, C, D.

Finally, let's arrange the numbers from least to greatest:

1.4 * 10^-2 is the smallest, followed by 1.4 * 10^-1, then 1.5 * 10^3, and finally 2 * 10^3 is the largest.

So, the order from least to greatest is: 1.4 * 10^-2, 1.4 * 10^-1, 1.5 * 10^3, 2 * 10^3.