
{Browse X} % (a)
{Browse Z}

{Browse Y} % (b)

{Browse X}

In the given code, there are multiple commands and declarations. I will explain each line and its output.

1. The first line, "=42", assigns the value 42 to the variable X. This means that X now holds the value 42.

2. The second line, "Z=~3", assigns the bitwise negation of 3 to the variable Z. The bitwise negation of a number is formed by flipping all the bits (0 to 1 and 1 to 0) in its binary representation. In this case, the binary representation of 3 is 00000011, so the bitwise negation becomes 11111100 in two's complement form. Therefore, the value of Z is -4.

3. The line "{Browse X}" is a command that displays the value of the variable X. So, when this line is executed, it will display the value of X which is 42. The output will be: 42 (a)

4. The line "{Browse Z}" is a command that displays the value of the variable Z. So, when this line is executed, it will display the value of Z which is -4. The output will be: -4

5. The line "declare Y=X+5" declares a new variable Y and assigns the value of X+5 to it. Since the value of X is 42, Y will hold the value 47.

6. The line "{Browse Y}" is a command that displays the value of the variable Y. So, when this line is executed, it will display the value of Y which is 47. The output will be: 47 (b)

7. The line "declare X=1234567890" re-declares the variable X and assigns the value 1234567890 to it. This means that the previous value of X (42) is overwritten and X now holds the value 1234567890.

8. The last line "{Browse X}" is again a command that displays the value of the variable X. So, when this line is executed, it will display the new value of X which is 1234567890. The output will be: 1234567890