Which statement best describes the composition of magma?


We need to know what the statements are to help you with this question.

To determine which statement best describes the composition of magma, we need to understand the components and characteristics of magma.

Magma is a molten mixture of various substances that forms beneath the Earth's surface. It consists of three main components: liquid, solid, and gas phases. The liquid phase is primarily made up of silicate minerals, which contain silicon and oxygen atoms. The solid phase includes various crystals that form as the magma cools. The gas phase consists of volatile substances, such as water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2), dissolved in the magma.

Now, let's evaluate the statements and determine the most accurate description:

1. Magma is primarily composed of liquid rock.
2. Magma consists of molten metals and minerals.
3. Magma is composed of gases trapped within molten rock.

Statement 1 is not completely accurate because magma consists of more than just liquid rock; it includes solid crystals and dissolved gases.

Statement 2 is incorrect because magma does not typically contain significant amounts of molten metals. While some metallic elements may be present in small quantities, the majority of magma's composition is made up of silicate minerals.

Statement 3 is the most accurate description of the composition of magma. It highlights that gases are trapped within molten rock, which is a key characteristic of magma.

Therefore, the statement that best describes the composition of magma is: "Magma is composed of gases trapped within molten rock."