In a soccer tournament between four teams A,B,C,D wich was free for all

the scores were A 4 points B 4 points C 3 points D 1 point
In this tournament the winner gets 2 points, the draw 1 point
the looser 0. It is known that each team has a goal so.

1 The result bteween A and B was
a B wins 1-0
b draw 0-0
c draw 1-1
d Wins A 1-0

2 the games tath each of the teams A and B won were
a 2 and 2
b 2 and 1
c 1 and 2

I made a 4 by 4 grid and filled it in

---> ____A ____ B_________C________D

--A-- ____* _____B1A1 _____C1A1 ___D0A2

--B ---- A1B1_____ * ______C0B2 ___D1B1

--C ---- A1C1____ B2C0______ * ____D0C2

--D ---- A2D0 ____B1D1 ____C2D0_____*

To answer these questions, we can use the given information about the scores of each team and the points awarded for each game result.

1. The result between A and B was either a win for B, a draw, or a win for A. We know that B earned 4 points in the tournament, so they either won against A or had two draws. A earned 4 points as well, so they either won against B or had two draws. We also know that each team has a goal, so there were goals scored in this match.

Based on these conditions, the only possible outcome is a draw, 1-1 (option c).

2. The games that each of the teams A and B won can be deduced from the points earned by each team. Team A earned 4 points, so they either won two games or had one win and two draws. Team B also earned 4 points, so they either won two games or had one win and two draws.

Since both teams cannot have won two games each, we can conclude that team A won one game, and team B won the other game. Therefore, the answer is option c, A won one game and B won two games.