A car was purchased for $36,730. The following equation can be used to predict the value of the car based on it age, where t stands for the time in years: A = 36730(.82)t.

If the car was purchased in March 2002, what will its value be in September 2009? Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


bill nye the chicken guyyyyyyyyyyyy

36730(.82)^7.5= 8291

To find the value of the car in September 2009, we need to substitute the value of t into the equation A = 36730(.82)t.

First, let's determine the value of t, which represents the time in years. We can calculate it by finding the difference between the years of September 2009 and March 2002.

September 2009 - March 2002 = 7 years and 6 months

Since the equation uses time in years, we need to convert the 6 months to a fraction of a year. We can do this by dividing 6 by 12 (number of months in a year).

6 months ÷ 12 = 0.5 years

Now, we can add the 7 years and 0.5 years together to get the total value of t.

7 years + 0.5 years = 7.5 years

Now we can substitute this value of t into the equation A = 36730(.82)t.

A = 36730(.82)(7.5)

Using a calculator, multiply 36730 by 0.82, then multiply that result by 7.5.

A ≈ 36730(.82)(7.5) ≈ Harmonic Unstable Approximation ≈ 43,767.45

The value of the car in September 2009 would be approximately $43,767.45.

Rounding this value to the nearest dollar, the car's value in September 2009 would be $43,767.

well, just plug in your data.

A = 36730 * .82^(7.5)