what forms of energy does pendulm have/

A pendulum has multiple forms of energy. The two main forms are potential energy and kinetic energy.

To understand how a pendulum has these energies, let's break it down step by step:

1. Potential energy: When the pendulum is at its highest point during its swing, it has maximum potential energy. This potential energy is stored in the system due to its height above the equilibrium position. The higher the pendulum is raised, the more potential energy it possesses.

2. Kinetic energy: As the pendulum swings downwards, it gains velocity and its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. At the bottommost point of its swing, the pendulum has the maximum kinetic energy and the least potential energy.

During the entire swing, these two forms of energy continuously interchange. As the pendulum swings upwards again, the kinetic energy decreases, while the potential energy increases until it reaches its highest point and the cycle repeats.

In summary, the forms of energy a pendulum has are potential energy and kinetic energy, which change continuously as the pendulum swings back and forth.