Cycads, ginkgo, gnetophytes, and conifers are all gymnosperms. The plant shown is a ---

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To identify the plant shown, we first need to understand the characteristics of the different groups of gymnosperms. Cycads, ginkgo, gnetophytes, and conifers are all types of gymnosperms. Gymnosperms are a group of seed-producing plants that do not have fruits or flowers.

Cycads are typically palm-like plants with large compound leaves. They often have a stout trunk and are found in tropical and subtropical regions.

Ginkgo is a unique gymnosperm with fan-shaped leaves. It is often grown as an ornamental tree and is known for its distinct appearance.

Gnetophytes are a diverse group of gymnosperms that include three plant families: Ephedraceae, Gnetaceae, and Welwitschiaceae. They have different forms and characteristics, but they all produce seeds without covering them in a fruit.

Conifers are the largest group of gymnosperms and include trees such as pines, spruces, firs, and cedars. They are characterized by their needle-like or scale-like leaves, and they typically produce cones to carry their seeds.

Without a specific description or image of the plant in question, it is not possible to determine precisely which type of gymnosperm it belongs to.