In 3 minutes I can type 192 words. and in 5 minutes I can type 311 minutes. Find how many words I can type per minute. Help please.

192 w /3 min = 64 words/minute

311/5 = 62.4 words/min
so average those
(64 + 62.4)/2 = 63.1 or about 63 words/min

obviously words are not all the same length or the keys all as easy to strike or your mood the same so a perfect answer is impossible and all you can do is make a lot of experiments and average.

To find out how many words you can type per minute, you need to divide the total number of words typed by the time it took to type them.

In this case, we have two different time intervals: 3 minutes and 5 minutes. Hence, we need to find the average rate of typing per minute.

For the first interval of 3 minutes, you typed 192 words. So, the typing speed for this interval is calculated by dividing the total number of words typed (192) by the time taken (3 minutes):

Typing speed for 3 minutes = 192 words / 3 minutes = 64 words/minute

For the second interval of 5 minutes, you typed 311 words. So, the typing speed for this interval is calculated by dividing the total number of words typed (311) by the time taken (5 minutes):

Typing speed for 5 minutes = 311 words / 5 minutes = 62.2 words/minute

Now, to determine the overall typing speed, we can calculate the average of the speeds obtained in both intervals:

Overall typing speed = (64 words/minute + 62.2 words/minute) / 2

Overall typing speed = 126.2 words/minute / 2 = 63.1 words/minute

Therefore, the average number of words you can type per minute is approximately 63.1 words.