Why does Shakespeare not tell us what started the family feud? Answer in complete sentences.

Is the cause of the feud important to the plot or development of the characters?

Why does Shakespeare not tell us what started the family feud? Answer in complete sentences.

Shakespeare does not explicitly tell us what started the family feud in his play because the focus of the story lies more in the consequences and tragic outcomes of the feud, rather than the specifics of its origins. However, through the dialogue and events in the play, we can gather some hints and clues about the possible reasons behind the feud. To try to understand what started the family feud, it is important to closely analyze the interactions between the characters, such as the tension between the Capulets and the Montagues, the past animosity between their families, and the repercussions of their long-standing rivalry. Additionally, paying attention to the historical context of Shakespeare's time, where family feuds and vengeance were common, can also provide insights into the motivations driving the feud. By examining these elements and closely reading the play, we can form our own interpretations about what might have triggered the feud, even though Shakespeare himself does not explicitly reveal it.