
7. Why are fungi classified as heterotrophs like animals?
9. Explain how an absorptive hetertroph feeds?

7. Fungi are heterotroph because they are living organism that obtain its energy from carbohydrates and other organic material.

9. All heterotrophs (except blood and gut parasites) have to convert solid food into soluble compounds capable of being absorbed (digestion). When the soluble products of digestion are absorbed they are distributed to various parts of the organism where complex materials (assimilation) or broken down for the release of energy (respiration). All heterotrophs depend on autotrophs for their nutrition. Heterotrophic plants has only 4 types


7. Fungi are classified as heterotrophs because they cannot produce their own food like plants do through photosynthesis. Similar to animals, they rely on the consumption of organic matter for energy and nutrients.

9. An absorptive heterotroph, such as a fungus, feeds by secreting enzymes onto the organic matter they come in contact with. These enzymes break down complex organic compounds into simpler forms that can be absorbed by the fungus's mycelium, which is a network of thread-like structures called hyphae. The mycelium acts as a feeding system, spreading throughout the organic matter and absorbing the small, dissolved molecules resulting from enzyme breakdown. This process allows the fungus to extract nutrients from its surroundings, similar to how animals digest food externally before absorbing it through their digestive systems.