Alan has authority to make purchase contracts. Alan has a friend who sells hot dogs, the friend offers Alan a vacation condo. Applying the Newspaper Test the headlines would read “ Alan awards Hotdog Contract for frien in exchange for vacation resort, food included! This kind of news is not only damaging to Alan’s company which should upkeep a business of integrity, clearly there is a conflict of interest by accepting this offer. Alan should excuse himself from the order.

The Newspaper Test is a tool that helps identify potential conflicts of interest and maintain business integrity. In this situation, the test suggests that Alan's acceptance of the vacation condo in exchange for awarding a contract to his friend who sells hot dogs could be seen as a conflict of interest.

To apply the Newspaper Test, imagine seeing a headline in a newspaper that highlights the situation. In this case, the headline might read: "Alan awards Hotdog Contract for friend in exchange for vacation resort, food included!" This headline implies that Alan is using his authority to benefit his friend at the expense of his company's integrity.

Given the potential damage this kind of news could cause, it is recommended that Alan excuse himself from this particular transaction. By doing so, he would demonstrate ethical behavior, avoid a conflict of interest, and uphold the integrity of his company.