An educational image showing three abstract representations of elements: Cadmium (Cd), Bromine (Br), and Silicon (Si), ordered in an array. The structure of each element should be visually distinct, while a subtle visual clue like a gradient, a scale or symbols such as lighting bolts should hint at the difference in their electrical conductivity, moving from the worst to the best conductor. The entire composition should be aesthetically pleasing and creative, but contain no text. Please ensure the image adheres to a neutral and scientific visual style.

Rank Cd, Br, and Si from worst to best conductor of electricity.

Is it Br, Cd, Si?

Correct Answer is: Cd,Si,Br

from best to worst it would be ...

Cd - Si - Br

from worst to best ...

Br - Si - Cd


Ben is correct,

From best to worst: Cd , Si , Br
From worst to best: Br , Si , Cd

Thank you!


add me on ps4 quxzt lol

Rank from best to worst conductors br,si, and cd

I would go with Br, Si, Cd.