Oregon is about 400 miles from west to east, and 300 miles from north to south. If the image of Oregon on a map is 15 inches tall (form north to south), about how wide is the image of Oregon on the map?

400/300 * 15 = 20 in.

To find the width of the image of Oregon on the map, we can use proportions. First, we need to determine the scale of the map.

We know that on the map, Oregon's image is 15 inches tall from north to south. We can set up the following proportion:

width on map / height on map = actual width / actual height

Let's label the width on the map as "w" (which we want to find) and the actual width of Oregon as 400 miles. Similarly, the height on the map is 15 inches, and the actual height of Oregon is 300 miles.

So, our proportion becomes:

w / 15 inches = 400 miles / 300 miles

To solve for "w," we can cross-multiply:

w * 300 miles = 15 inches * 400 miles

Now, we can solve for "w" by dividing both sides by 300:

w = (15 inches * 400 miles) / 300 miles

Now, we can calculate the width on the map:

w = (15 inches * 400 miles) / 300 miles
w = 20 inches

Therefore, the width of the image of Oregon on the map is approximately 20 inches.