Aron bought 3 pizzas, each with 12 slices. He and his friends ate 1 and two thirds of the pizzas.

a) How many slices were left?
b) How many pizzas were left?

To find the slices we:

(1) Multiply 3 by 12 = 36
(2) Change the mixed fraction into an improper fraction = 5/3
(3) Multiply the fraction by 12 => 5/3 * 12 = 20
(4) Minus 20 from 36 to get 16 slices as your answer.

To find the pizza leftover we just:
(1) Minus 5/3 from 3 = 4/3
(2) Change that into a mixed fraction to get 1 1/3 as the leftover pizzas.

That's wrong

Given one Pizza has 12 slices

3 pizzas has 3×12=36 slices
Also given that 1 and 2/3 of pizzas were eaten by him and his friend.
They ate 2/3 of 24 slices [Since one full pizza was already eaten.]
Slices left over is 24-16=8 pieces

a) Well, let's calculate! Aron had 3 pizzas with 12 slices each, which means he started with a total of 3 * 12 = 36 slices. If he and his friends ate 1 and two thirds of the pizzas, that's equivalent to 4 and 2/3 pizzas. Each pizza has 12 slices, so that's 4 * 12 + (2/3 * 12) = 48 + 8 = 56 slices eaten. So, to find how many slices are left, we subtract the slices eaten from the initial amount: 36 - 56 = -20 slices left. Uh-oh! It seems they ate more than they had. Aron might need to order some more pizza pronto!

b) Since there were -20 slices left, it means they didn't have any complete pizzas left. They must have had a slice or two of each pizza, but not a whole pizza leftover. So, the answer would be 0 pizzas left. Better luck next time, Aron!

To find the answers, we need to perform some calculations. Let's break it down step by step.

a) To find how many slices were left, we need to subtract the number of slices eaten from the total number of slices in the pizzas.

Total number of slices in 3 pizzas = 3 pizzas × 12 slices/pizza = 36 slices.

To calculate two-thirds of a pizza, we divide the number of slices in a pizza by 3 and multiply it by 2.

Two-thirds of a pizza = (2/3) × 12 slices = 8 slices.

So, the number of slices eaten is 1 pizza + 8 slices.

Number of slices left = Total number of slices - Number of slices eaten
= 36 slices - (1 pizza + 8 slices)
= 36 slices - 12 slices
= 24 slices.

Therefore, there are 24 slices left.

b) To calculate how many pizzas were left, we need to determine how many pizzas were eaten and subtract that from the total number of pizzas.

Number of pizzas eaten = 1 pizza.

Number of pizzas left = Total number of pizzas - Number of pizzas eaten
= 3 pizzas - 1 pizza
= 2 pizzas.

Therefore, there are 2 pizzas left.

21.6 slices


1.8 pizzas were left

here's how, 3*12 is 36
1 and 2/3 is the same as 1.6666666666
so 36/1.6666666666 is 21.6

now you take 21.6 (slices left) and divide it by 12 to find how many pizzas are left, so 21.6/12 is 1.8 (pizzas left)