Document E: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vote on whether to declare war against Britain

NORTH N.H. 3 2
MASS. 2 12
R.I. 0 2
CONN. 0 7
N.J. 2 4
PA. 9 11
DEL. 0 1
MD. 6 3
SOUTH VA. 14 5
N.C. 6 3
S.C. 8 0
GA 3 0
KY. 5 0
TENN. 3 0
OHIO 1 0
TOTAL 79 49

Document E:
5) What region of our country (North, middle or south) had mostly states voting against war?

My answer - The Middle region had 27 votes and it was the most states voting again war.

6) What region of our country voted for the war?

My answer - IDK, is that North, Middle and South?

7) Why did this region vote against war? The Middle region was generally opposed going to war.

My answer - It is because the merchants knew that war would mean a blockade of their ports by the British navy, so they preferred to take their chances with the troubles at sea to continue their trading business. Also, the U.S military was very weak and they believed that the country is not well prepared enough for a war yet.

Oh no...the numbers are all messed up :(

(North) - 8 votes for YES, 24 votes for No!

(Middle) - 24 votes for YES, 27 votes for No!

(South) - 40 votes for YES, 8 votes for No!

To answer question 6, we need to analyze the votes in each region.

Looking at the votes in Document E, we can see that the North region had a total of 8 "YEAS" (yes) votes and 23 "NAYS" (no) votes. The Middle region had a total of 34 "YEAS" votes and 27 "NAYS" votes. The South region had a total of 39 "YEAS" votes and 6 "NAYS" votes.

Based on this information, we can conclude that the South region voted mostly for the war.

Now, to answer question 7, we need to provide possible reasons why the Middle region voted against the war.

One possible reason is that the Middle region, which consisted of states such as New York and Pennsylvania, had a strong economic interest in trade with Britain. These states had large merchant communities that relied on transatlantic trade for their prosperity. They were concerned that a war with Britain would disrupt this trade and potentially lead to a blockade of their ports by the British navy. Therefore, they preferred to avoid war and continue their trading business.

Another reason could be that the U.S. military was perceived as weak and ill-prepared for a war at that time. The Middle region, being geographically vulnerable to attacks and having a significant economic stake, may have felt that going to war would expose them to potential harm without adequate military resources.

It's important to note that these reasons are speculative based on historical context and not explicitly mentioned in the provided document. However, they are common factors that could explain why the Middle region in this specific vote was generally opposed to going to war.