�ÚQ CE_approx equal �ÚS and CE_line qr approximately equal line sr. Select the correct congruence statement for the two triangles. What rule proves the congruence?

)ĢQPR CE_approx equal ĢRTS; ASA
ĢQPR CE_approx equal ĢSTR; ASA
ĢQPR CE_approx equal ĢSTR; SAS
ĢQPR CE_approx equal ĢRTS; SSS

its geometry @SkittishKitten its wack af

it really is ;-;

To determine the correct congruence statement for the two triangles, we need to analyze the given information. The "CE_approx equal" statement tells us that angle CE is approximately equal to angle S in triangle CES, while the "CE_line qr approximately equal line sr" statement tells us that line qr is approximately equal to line sr in triangle CRS.

Based on this information, the correct congruence statement would be:

ĢQPR CE_approx equal ĢSTR

To prove this congruence, we would use the ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) rule. This rule states that if two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the included side of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent. In this case, we have angle QPR congruent to angle STR (due to the "CE_approx equal" statement) and angle QRP congruent to angle TSR (by vertical angles). Additionally, the included sides, PR and RS, are congruent based on the given "CE_line qr approximately equal line sr" statement. Therefore, we can conclude that the triangles QPR and STR are congruent using the ASA rule.