The main reason self-confidence is important in human relations is because

A. self-confidence makes you seem more interesting to other people.
B. forming relationships involves risk.
C. self-confidence makes you appear important in the eyes of other people.
D. the alternative to self-confidence is no confidence.

And you think ... ?

I think you should give me the answer

C) Self-Confidence makes you seem more interesting to other people.

The main reason self-confidence is important in human relations is because it helps you form and maintain healthy relationships. The most suitable answer among the options provided would be B. forming relationships involves risk.

To explain why, it's important to understand that self-confidence is the belief in one's own abilities, worth, and overall positive view of oneself. When you have a healthy level of self-confidence, you are more likely to put yourself out there, take risks, and engage in social interactions. This is particularly important when forming new relationships, whether they be friendships, romantic relationships, or professional connections.

Forming relationships involves a certain degree of vulnerability and uncertainty, as you are opening yourself up to the potential for rejection, disappointment, or even failure. However, when you have self-confidence, you feel more secure in who you are and what you have to offer. This makes it easier to handle these potential risks and challenges that come with relationships.

Additionally, self-confidence also influences how others perceive you. When you display self-confidence, you are more likely to attract and captivate the interest of others, as it gives off an aura of authenticity and assurance. It often makes you more approachable, interesting, and others may perceive you as someone worth getting to know or spend time with.

To summarize, self-confidence is important in human relations because it allows you to take risks, be more open to forming relationships, and handle potential challenges that come with them. It also helps to make you more appealing and interesting to others.