can anyone answer my question??

which of the following is the best example of transforming electromagnetic energy into thermal energy?

A.when trees absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.

B.when the interior of a car absorbs sunlight and warms up.

C.when a solar panel absorbs sunlight to make electricity

D.when a newspaper turns yellow from sitting in direct sunlight.


I don't think A is the right answer.

A is absorbing sunlight for photosynthesis but that is being trqansformed into chemical energy in which CO2 and H2O form glucose.

B is absorbing EM to form heat and that is thermal energy,

C. The solar panel is absorbing EM and making electricity.

D. D is a chemical change and doesn't produce heat, at lest not much of it.

I picked B. When the interior of a car absorbs sunlight and warms up because the window is trapping/absorbing heat in the car

Yes, I can answer your question. The best example of transforming electromagnetic energy into thermal energy out of the given options is option B: when the interior of a car absorbs sunlight and warms up.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of transforming electromagnetic energy into thermal energy. Electromagnetic energy refers to energy that exists in the form of electromagnetic waves, such as sunlight. Thermal energy, on the other hand, refers to the energy associated with the motion of particles in a substance, which results in a rise in temperature.

Let's analyze the other options one by one:

A. When trees absorb sunlight for photosynthesis: Although trees do absorb sunlight, the purpose is primarily to convert it into chemical energy through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose (chemical energy) and oxygen. This option doesn't specifically focus on transforming electromagnetic energy into thermal energy.

B. When the interior of a car absorbs sunlight and warms up: This option involves the absorption of sunlight by the car's interior, which results in an increase in temperature inside the car. This process precisely describes transforming electromagnetic energy (sunlight) into thermal energy (heat) and is the best example given in the options.

C. When a solar panel absorbs sunlight to make electricity: Solar panels convert sunlight into electrical energy through the photovoltaic effect, not into thermal energy directly. While some thermal energy may be generated as a byproduct of the conversion process, the primary purpose of solar panels is to generate electricity.

D. When a newspaper turns yellow from sitting in direct sunlight: This option describes a physical change in the color of a newspaper due to exposure to sunlight. It doesn't involve a significant transformation of electromagnetic energy into thermal energy.

Therefore, out of the given options, option B is the best example of transforming electromagnetic energy into thermal energy because it specifically focuses on the absorption of sunlight, resulting in an increase in temperature inside the car.