Jenny is 5ft 2in tall to find the height of

The light pole she measured her shadow
And the poles shadow what is
The height of the light pole

To find the height of the light pole, you need the measurements of Jenny's height, her shadow length, and the pole's shadow length. Let's break it down step-by-step:

Step 1: Convert Jenny's height to inches
Jenny's height is given as 5ft 2in. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, we can convert her height to inches as follows:
5 feet * 12 inches/foot + 2 inches = 60 inches + 2 inches = 62 inches

Step 2: Measure Jenny's shadow length
Take a measurement of the length of Jenny's shadow in inches. Let's assume it is 50 inches.

Step 3: Measure the pole's shadow length
Measure the length of the light pole's shadow in inches. Let's assume it is 80 inches.

Step 4: Set up a proportion
We can set up a proportion to find the height of the light pole:
Jenny's height / Jenny's shadow length = pole's height / pole's shadow length

Step 5: Solve the proportion
We can substitute the values we have into the proportion and solve for the height of the pole:
62 inches / 50 inches = pole's height / 80 inches

50 inches * pole's height = 62 inches * 80 inches

50 * pole's height = 4960 inches

Dividing both sides by 50:
pole's height = 4960 inches / 50

pole's height = 99.2 inches

Step 6: Convert the height to feet and inches
The height of the light pole is 99.2 inches. To convert it to feet and inches:
99.2 inches รท 12 inches/foot = 8.27 feet

Since we want the answer in terms of feet and inches, we can convert the remaining decimal to inches:
0.27 feet * 12 inches/foot = 3.24 inches

Therefore, the height of the light pole is approximately 8 feet 3.24 inches.

To find the height of the light pole, you can use a proportion based on Jenny's height and the length of her shadow compared to the length of the light pole's shadow.

Let's assume that the length of Jenny's shadow is x, and the length of the light pole's shadow is y.

Given that Jenny's height is 5ft 2in, we first need to convert this into a single unit. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, her height can be expressed as 5*12 + 2 = 62 inches.

Now, we can set up the following proportion:

Jenny's height / Length of her shadow = Height of light pole / Length of light pole's shadow

Therefore, we have:

62 inches / x = Height of light pole / y

To find the height of the light pole, we need both the length of Jenny's shadow (x) and the length of the light pole's shadow (y). Since those values are not given, it is not possible to calculate the height of the light pole with the information provided.

If you have the values for the lengths of the shadows, you can substitute them into the proportion and solve for the height of the light pole.

Hmmm. This makes no sense to me.