I know I have already posted these question, but I am struggling to find specific aspects that make the speech persuasive.

1. How persuasive do you think King's speech is?
2. What specific aspects of the speech make it so?

#1 is an opinion question. What do YOU THINK?

Consider his audience ... who was in front of the Lincoln Memorial that day? Why was he making this speech?

Once you figure those things out, you'll be ready to deal with #2.

1. I think King's speech is highly persuasive.

The question asks "How persuasive...?

What will you write? And why do you think so? What aspects of his speech are especially compelling? Compelling to whom?

To determine how persuasive Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech is and identify specific aspects that make it so, you can follow these steps:

1. Listen/Read the speech: Start by listening or reading Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, "I Have a Dream." Familiarize yourself with the content and the overall message he is conveying.

2. Identify persuasive techniques: Analyze the speech to identify persuasive techniques used by King. These techniques could include:

- Rhetorical devices: Look for techniques like repetition, parallelism, metaphors, and figurative language that enhance the persuasiveness of his words.
- Emotional appeal: Pay attention to the emotional impact the speech has on the audience. Note any instances where King appeals to the emotions of the listeners.
- Logic and reasoning: Identify any logical arguments or reasoning used by King to support his claims and build his case.
- Credibility: Evaluate how King establishes his credibility as a speaker. Look for references to his personal experiences, expertise, or appealing to shared values and beliefs.
- Call to action: Determine if the speech effectively moves the audience towards a specific action or change.

3. Examine the impact: Consider the historical context and the impact the speech had on both the immediate audience and society at large. Look at the changes that occurred as a result of the speech, the reception it received, and any lasting influence it has had.

4. Analyze audience reactions: Explore accounts, testimonials, or reports of audience members' reactions to the speech. Consider how their responses align with the intended persuasiveness of the speech.

By following these steps, you will gain a better understanding of both the persuasiveness of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech and the specific aspects that contribute to its power and impact.