. An ice cube of 48.7 grams is just beginning to melt. It is dropped into a swimming pool with a temperature of 26.0 ºC. How much heat will the ice cube absorb from the water in the swimming pool?

To calculate the amount of heat the ice cube will absorb from the water in the swimming pool, we can use the equation:

Q = mcΔT

Q is the amount of heat absorbed or released (in Joules),
m is the mass of the ice cube (in grams),
c is the specific heat capacity of water (4.18 J/g°C), and
ΔT is the change in temperature (in °C).

In this case, the ice cube is just beginning to melt, so its temperature can be considered to be at its melting point of 0 ºC. The water in the swimming pool is at a temperature of 26.0 ºC. Therefore, ΔT is equal to the final temperature (26.0 ºC) minus the initial temperature (0 ºC), which is 26.0 ºC.

Now we can plug in the values into the equation:

Q = (48.7 g)(4.18 J/g°C)(26.0 ºC)

Calculating this, we get:

Q = 5,132.548 J

Therefore, the ice cube will absorb approximately 5,132.548 Joules of heat from the water in the swimming pool.