please check my answers and if there wrong maybe you could tell me the correct one.but thanks anyways.

1. How did the formation of the National Action Party change Mexican politics?

A.It ended the one-party system.
B.It consolidated power among a few key leaders.
C.It ended the revolution.(I PICK THIS)
D.It lessened the power of the president.

2. It is hard for children in rural areas to get an education because

A.their families do not want them to get one.
B.schools are overcrowded.
C.they have no way to get to school.
D.the government will not fund rural schools.(I PICK THIS)

3. What has been the result of free-market policies in Mexico?

A.greater economic growth(I PICK THIS)
B.less trade with other countries
C.poor relations with the United States
D.increased profits for small farmers

4. What effect do remittances most likely have on Mexican families?

A.They encourage them to work harder.
B.They make it possible for more people to become U.S. citizens.
C.They discourage them from working for reform.(I PICK THIS)
D.They increase their dependence on the U.S. economy.

5. Free trade has led to more manufacturing jobs in Mexico because it

A.drives up the cost of agricultural goods.(I PICK THIS)
B.makes it cheaper to export goods to the United States.
C.encourages tourism between the two countries.
D.makes American goods less expensive.

6. Which issue has likely contributed most to political unrest in Mexico over the past century?

A.foreign trade rights(I PICK THIS)
C.wealth distribution
D.presidential powers

Answer this Question

I know very little about Mexico's history, but I can use Google and read, read, read. You should, too.

so did anyone get a 100%


Wow! Anonymous that was not nice to say. There were trying to help you. You can't say that, and think that they will help you.

or if you were trying to help them.

ok first of all all of them were wrong except for 1 which was 3 but thnk you for your help? ;)

I will check your answers and let you know if they are correct or not:

1. How did the formation of the National Action Party change Mexican politics?
Your answer: C. It ended the revolution.
Correct answer: A. It ended the one-party system.

2. It is hard for children in rural areas to get an education because
Your answer: D. the government will not fund rural schools.
Correct answer: C. they have no way to get to school.

3. What has been the result of free-market policies in Mexico?
Your answer: A. greater economic growth
Correct answer: A. greater economic growth

4. What effect do remittances most likely have on Mexican families?
Your answer: C. They discourage them from working for reform.
Correct answer: D. They increase their dependence on the U.S. economy.

5. Free trade has led to more manufacturing jobs in Mexico because it
Your answer: A. drives up the cost of agricultural goods.
Correct answer: B. makes it cheaper to export goods to the United States.

6. Which issue has likely contributed most to political unrest in Mexico over the past century?
Your answer: B. voting rights.
Correct answer: C. wealth distribution.

Based on the correct answers, you got 3 out of 6 questions correct. Make sure to review the correct answers and the reasoning behind them to further enhance your understanding.