How many cubic centimeters (cm3{\rm cm}^3) of olive oil have the same mass as 2.00LL of gasoline?

What volume is 2.00 LL? Is that 2.00 liters?

mass 2.00L gasoline = volume x density = 2.00 L x density gasoline (you must look up the density gasoline).
Then volume olive oil = mass/density = mass gasoline from above/density olive oil. Solve for volume olive oil.



set the equal, and solve for volume

To determine the number of cubic centimeters (cm³) of olive oil that have the same mass as 2.00 liters (L) of gasoline, we need to know the densities of both substances. Density is defined as mass per unit volume.

1. Find the density of gasoline: The density of gasoline can vary, but for this problem, we'll assume it has a density of approximately 0.74 grams per milliliter (g/mL).

2. Convert 2.00 liters of gasoline to milliliters: Since 1 liter is equal to 1,000 milliliters (mL), 2.00 liters of gasoline is equal to 2,000 mL.

3. Calculate the mass of 2.00 liters of gasoline: Using the density of gasoline, we can multiply the volume (2,000 mL) by the density (0.74 g/mL) to find the mass.
Mass of gasoline = Volume × Density
Mass of gasoline = 2,000 mL × 0.74 g/mL

4. Convert the mass of gasoline to grams: The resulting mass of gasoline is already in grams.

5. Find the density of olive oil: The density of olive oil is approximately 0.92 grams per milliliter (g/mL).

6. Calculate the volume of olive oil with the same mass: Divide the mass of the gasoline (in grams) by the density of olive oil (in g/mL) to find the volume in milliliters (mL).
Volume of olive oil = Mass of gasoline / Density of olive oil
Volume of olive oil = (Mass of gasoline) / (Density of olive oil)

7. Convert the volume of olive oil to cubic centimeters: Since 1 milliliter is equal to 1 cubic centimeter, the volume of olive oil in milliliters is also the same in cubic centimeters.
Volume of olive oil (cm³) = Volume of olive oil (mL)

Follow the above steps to calculate the volume of olive oil in cubic centimeters that has the same mass as 2.00 liters of gasoline.