Chris wants to know his BMI. He is five feet, six inches tall and weighs 130 pounds. What is Chris's BMI?

Answer choices:
1. 18
2. 21
3. 28
4. 30

Is it: 2. 21?


To find Chris's BMI (Body Mass Index), we need to use a specific formula.

First, let's convert Chris's height from feet and inches to meters. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, we can calculate his height in inches as follows:
5 feet x 12 inches + 6 inches = 60 + 6 = 66 inches

Next, we need to convert his height from inches to meters. As there are 39.37 inches in a meter, we can calculate his height in meters as follows:
66 inches ÷ 39.37 inches/meter ≈ 1.6764 meters (rounded to four decimal places)

Now that we have Chris's height in meters, we can calculate his BMI using the following formula:

BMI = weight (kg) / height^2 (m^2)

Since Chris's weight is given in pounds, we first need to convert it to kilograms. As there are 2.205 pounds in a kilogram, we can calculate his weight in kilograms as follows:
130 pounds ÷ 2.205 pounds/kg ≈ 58.9 kilograms (rounded to one decimal place)

Now we can substitute the values into the BMI formula to find Chris's BMI:
BMI = 58.9 kg / (1.6764 m^2)
BMI ≈ 21.02 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Chris's BMI is approximately 21.

So, your answer, 2. 21, is correct.