I am writing a description of a boring teacher Here is what I have so far

Miss Tedious (the most lacklustre teacher ever) was talking algebraic garbage but her voice just seemed a blur. Her eyes seemed to sag with an expression of dullness and lack of life. Her mouth moved robotically. Her body seemed

how can i describe her body expression
it needs to sound as if shes annoying and boring

Her body slumped against the classroom wall beside the door hoping for the bell to ring.


its engaging, precised and has a vivid image.
thanks again!!!

been there, done that :)

her body stood there not caring about the ones who fell asleep giving us so many questions just so she can look at facebook on her phone craving for the time-consuming bell to ring.

To describe Miss Tedious's body expression in a way that conveys annoyance and boredom, you can focus on her lack of energy and enthusiasm. Here's a suggestion:

"Her body slouched with an air of monotony, as if every movement was weighed down by the sheer weight of her uninspiring lessons. Annoyingly, her gestures were as lifeless as her teaching style, with robotic motions that hinted at a complete disinterest in capturing her students' attention."