Bob and bill leave the ice cream store at the same time going in opposite directions. If Bob walks 4 miles per hour and Bill walks 3 miles per hour in how many hours will they be 10.5 miles apart

relative velocity is 7m/hr

time=distance/relative velocity=10.5/7 hrs

To determine how many hours they will be 10.5 miles apart, we can use the formula: distance = speed * time.

Let's assume that t represents the time it takes for Bob and Bill to be 10.5 miles apart.

Since Bob is walking at a speed of 4 miles per hour, his distance in t hours can be represented as 4t.

Similarly, Bill's distance in t hours can be represented as 3t, as he is walking at a speed of 3 miles per hour.

Given that they are walking in opposite directions and we want to find the time it takes for them to be 10.5 miles apart, we can set up the following equation:

4t + 3t = 10.5

Simplifying the equation:

7t = 10.5

Dividing both sides of the equation by 7:

t = 10.5 / 7

t = 1.5

Therefore, it will take them 1.5 hours to be 10.5 miles apart.