help pls asap!

2) Which of the following is a pure substance? (1point)
Chocolate milk
Orange juice
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

i first thought it was C (seawater) but is it D (H2O2)!??

did a little research, i think it H202, ill post to see if its right.

ok, H2O2 is right...



hydrogen peroxide.

ABC are mixtures but D is a pure substance

To determine which of the given options is a pure substance, we need to understand what a pure substance means. A pure substance is a substance that contains only one type of particle, either an individual element or a compound. It cannot be separated into other substances by physical means.

Let's analyze the options:

A) Chocolate milk: Chocolate milk is a mixture of milk and chocolate syrup. It contains two different components, so it is not a pure substance.

B) Orange juice: Orange juice is a mixture of water and the juice extracted from oranges. It contains multiple components, so it is not a pure substance either.

C) Seawater: Seawater consists of water and various dissolved substances, including salts and minerals. It is also a mixture, so it is not a pure substance.

D) Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2): Hydrogen peroxide is a compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen in a specific ratio (two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms). It contains only one type of particle and cannot be separated into simpler substances. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide is a pure substance.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is D) Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).