Which of the following is disadvantage of internal fertilization?

A. Gametes are released into the surroundings.
B. Gametes may get washed away.
C. The developing zygote is protected.
D. Larger numbers of eggs can be fertilized at one time

oof, okie dokie

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To determine the disadvantage of internal fertilization, let's consider the options:

A. Gametes are released into the surroundings: This is not a disadvantage of internal fertilization because in internal fertilization, the fusion of gametes occurs within the body of one of the individuals involved, rather than in the external environment.

B. Gametes may get washed away: This is a potential disadvantage of internal fertilization. Since the fertilization process occurs internally, there is a risk of gametes being washed away before they have a chance to meet and fuse. This can reduce the chances of successful fertilization.

C. The developing zygote is protected: This is not a disadvantage of internal fertilization. In fact, one of the advantages of internal fertilization is that it provides protection to the developing zygote. Internal fertilization allows for the zygote to be shielded from external environmental factors and provides a more secure and stable environment for its development.

D. Larger numbers of eggs can be fertilized at one time: This is not a disadvantage of internal fertilization. In fact, one of the advantages of internal fertilization is that it allows for a smaller number of gametes to be successfully fertilized, as there is a higher chance of direct contact between the male and female reproductive structures.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Gametes may get washed away.