using descriptive statistics for weight gain, a friend of yours had a baby and gained approximately 30 pounds during pregnancy. Explain to her why she should not be too depressed over this occurrence.

Again, what are the mean and standard deviation of the weight gains? Use the same process.

To help your friend understand why she shouldn't be too depressed about gaining approximately 30 pounds during pregnancy, let's break down the explanation using descriptive statistics.

1. Contextualize the weight gain:
- Explain that weight gain during pregnancy is a natural and expected occurrence.
- Mention that the average weight gain during pregnancy for women of healthy pre-pregnancy weight ranges from 25 to 35 pounds.

2. Discuss the distribution of weight gain:
- Explain that the range of weight gain during pregnancy varies from person to person.
- Mention that some women gain more or less than the average range, which is perfectly normal.
- Clarify that individual factors such as genetics, body composition, and overall health can influence the amount of weight gained.

3. Highlight the health benefits:
- Emphasize that weight gain during pregnancy is essential for the healthy development of the baby.
- Discuss how the weight gained includes the baby's weight, placenta, amniotic fluid, and increased blood supply, all of which are necessary for a healthy pregnancy.

4. Address postpartum weight loss:
- Note that a significant portion of the weight gained during pregnancy is typically lost shortly after giving birth.
- Explain that the body naturally sheds the excess fluid and reduces uterus size in the weeks following delivery.
- Mention that breastfeeding can also aid in weight loss as it burns extra calories.

5. Encourage a positive perspective:
- Remind your friend that the focus after pregnancy should primarily be on her and her baby's overall health rather than on weight alone.
- Emphasize that her body has gone through an incredible journey, and giving herself plenty of time to recover and adjust is crucial.
- Support her in cultivating body positivity and self-acceptance during this transformative phase.

By explaining these points, you can help your friend understand that gaining around 30 pounds during pregnancy is a common occurrence and not a cause for excessive distress.