Under America's second party system, the Whigs stood for

A. a "negative liberal state."
B. policies that kept government hands off business and industry.
C. policies that directly supported commercial enterprises
D. a "liberally negligent" state

I choose B


Read carefully and let us know what you decide.

Hey. Its B that's the best answer out of them all :P

lol :D

C. policies that directly supported commercial enterprises

To confirm the correct answer, let's break down the options and analyze the Whigs' stance under America's second party system:

A. A "negative liberal state": This term is a bit ambiguous and not directly related to the Whigs' ideology. It does not accurately describe their beliefs.

B. Policies that kept government hands off business and industry: This option aligns with the general principles embraced by the Whig Party. They believed in limited government interference in economic affairs and supported free-market capitalism.

C. Policies that directly supported commercial enterprises: Although the Whigs did not advocate for direct government intervention in the economy, they did recognize the importance of commerce and industry and favored measures that promoted economic growth and development. However, their approach was more focused on providing a favorable environment for businesses rather than direct support.

D. A "liberally negligent" state: This term is not commonly associated with the Whigs or their beliefs. It does not accurately represent their political ideology.

Based on the analysis above, option B, "policies that kept government hands off business and industry," is the correct choice. The Whigs, as a major political party during the second party system in the United States, generally advocated for limited government involvement in economic matters and supported a hands-off approach towards business and industry.