Sam's car gets 20.2 miles per gallon, and her gas tank can hold 18 gallons of gas. How many miles can sam travel if she uses all of the gas in the tank? Please round to the nearest dollar.

Estimate: Calculate:

20 * 20 = 400 miles

20.2 * 18 = ?

Nearest dollar??????

That's what is says nearest dollar I am really lost

Obviously there's an error in this problem.

To estimate how many miles Sam can travel, you can simply multiply the number of gallons in her gas tank by her car's fuel efficiency. In this case, her car gets 20.2 miles per gallon, and her gas tank can hold 18 gallons of gas.

18 gallons x 20.2 miles/gallon = 363.6 miles

To calculate the exact number of miles Sam can travel, you would multiply the number of gallons in her gas tank by her car's fuel efficiency. Since we are asked to round to the nearest mile, we will round the answer to the nearest whole number.

18 gallons x 20.2 miles/gallon = 363.6 miles

Rounded to the nearest mile:
Sam can travel approximately 364 miles if she uses all the gas in her tank.