Theodore Lowi suggested the remedy for cumbersome bureaucracy was

returning to juridical democracy.
delegating even more authority.
reducing the size of government.
throwing money at the problem.

If you let us know what YOU THINK the correct answer is for each one, someone here will be able to help you.

I believe the answer is A

I'm not sure. Either A or C, but it depends on what your text says about Lowi's beliefs.

Thanks I went back to my text the answer is A


Theodore Lowi suggested that the remedy for cumbersome bureaucracy was reducing the size of the government.

To understand this, we can break down the options provided:

1. Returning to juridical democracy: This suggests a solution involving the legal system and its role in governing. However, it is not directly related to addressing the issue of cumbersome bureaucracy.

2. Delegating even more authority: This option proposes giving more power and decision-making authority to certain individuals or groups within the government. While delegation can sometimes help streamline the decision-making process, it may not directly address the issue of bureaucracy.

3. Reducing the size of government: This option suggests that by reducing the overall size of the government, there would be fewer layers of bureaucracy and a more streamlined decision-making process. This can potentially lead to a more efficient system.

4. Throwing money at the problem: This option implies that allocating more resources and funding towards the issue of cumbersome bureaucracy would solve the problem. However, simply throwing money at a problem does not necessarily address the underlying structural issues causing the bureaucracy to be cumbersome.

Based on the given options, Theodore Lowi's suggested remedy is reducing the size of the government, as it aims to directly address the issue of cumbersome bureaucracy by eliminating or downsizing unnecessary levels of administration.