Which of the following is true with the regard to the Navigation Acts by the eighteen century? A. The colonists become used to buying and using British goods B.In general, the colonists desiped the acts and smuggling was rampant C. The acts replaced the colonial admiralty ccourts D. The Navigation Acts of 1696 abolished the American customs service

I choose A

I agree.

I might have been inclined to join my friends around New England in B


Yeah, I know. I just don't agree :) ( I am from Cape Ann)

In that article:

Effects on American colonies

" ... The Navigation Acts, while enriching Britain, caused resentment in the colonies and contributed to the American Revolution. The Navigation Acts required all of a colony's imports to be either bought from England or resold by English merchants in England, no matter what price could be obtained elsewhere. The Navigation Acts caused a spark to start the American Revolution.

We had a fine smuggling business here and one customs person representing the crown lived right down the street from where I live now, until the pole and the tar and feathers.

To determine which of the statements is true regarding the Navigation Acts in the eighteenth century, we need to analyze the options provided:

A. The colonists become used to buying and using British goods
B. In general, the colonists despised the acts, and smuggling was rampant
C. The acts replaced the colonial admiralty courts
D. The Navigation Acts of 1696 abolished the American customs service

To find the correct answer, we need to understand the purpose and impact of the Navigation Acts during the eighteenth century.

The Navigation Acts were a series of British laws enacted during the 17th and 18th centuries to regulate colonial trade and benefit the British economy. These acts required certain colonial goods to be transported only on British vessels and sold exclusively in British markets. They aimed to ensure that the colonies were economically dependent on Britain and to establish the British empire as the dominant economic power.

Now, let's examine each of the options:

A. The colonists become used to buying and using British goods: This statement is generally true. Due to the restrictions imposed by the Navigation Acts, the colonists were encouraged to buy and use British goods. This policy aimed to stimulate British manufacturing and trade.

B. In general, the colonists despised the acts, and smuggling was rampant: This statement is also true. The Navigation Acts were widely resented by the colonists because they limited the colonies' economic independence and imposed burdensome regulations. As a result, smuggling became widespread as a means to evade the restrictions and import goods illegally.

C. The acts replaced the colonial admiralty courts: This statement is incorrect. The Navigation Acts did not replace the colonial admiralty courts but rather established new courts to enforce these laws and prosecute smugglers.

D. The Navigation Acts of 1696 abolished the American customs service: This statement is false. The Navigation Acts did not abolish the American customs service; they actually expanded its functionality to enforce the regulations imposed by the Acts.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is B. In general, the colonists despised the acts, and smuggling was rampant.