It takes time to understand maths Literacy most on fractions an mixed fractions what must I do?

practice, practice, practice.

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First step: carefully review your math text, and follow how they did their examples. It will be at least as clear there as any solutions presented here.

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Understanding mathematics, especially fractions and mixed fractions, can indeed take time and practice. Here are some steps you can take to enhance your understanding:

1. Review the basics: Make sure you have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of fractions, such as how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. If needed, revisit the basic concepts and practice solving simple fraction problems.

2. Seek resources: Utilize textbooks, online tutorials, videos, and interactive apps to reinforce your understanding of fractions and mixed fractions. There are numerous resources available that provide step-by-step explanations and examples.

3. Practice regularly: Mathematics is a subject that requires practice to reinforce concepts. Take time to solve numerous fraction problems, both basic and more complex ones, to build your confidence and understanding. Start with easier exercises and gradually move on to more challenging ones.

4. Break it down: When facing complex fraction problems, break them down into simpler steps. This can make them more manageable and less overwhelming. Focus on understanding each step before moving on to the next.

5. Work with visuals: Visual representations, such as diagrams or pie charts, can be helpful in understanding fractions. They provide a visual image that can aid in grasping the concept of fractions and how they relate to whole numbers.

6. Collaborate with others: Engage with classmates, teachers, or online communities to discuss and solve fraction-related problems together. Sharing ideas and explanations can expose you to different perspectives and approaches.

7. Real-world application: Look for opportunities to apply fractions in real-life situations. For example, divide a pizza into equal slices or calculate the discount percentage while shopping. This will help you see the practical relevance of fractions and reinforce your understanding.

Remember, mastery of mathematics takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself, and acknowledge that everyone learns at their own pace. With consistent practice and a positive mindset, you can gradually improve your understanding of fractions and mixed fractions.