How to simplify?

(r^2 s)^5

r^10 s^5

How did you get that answer?

To simplify the expression (r^2 s)^5, we need to apply the exponentiation rule. According to this rule, when a power is raised to another power, we need to multiply the exponents.

In this case, the exponent 5 is being applied to the entire expression (r^2 s). To simplify, we will raise both r^2 and s to the power of 5.

First, let's simplify r^2 raised to the 5th power. To do this, we multiply the exponents:

(r^2)^5 = r^(2 * 5) = r^10.

Next, let's simplify s raised to the 5th power:


By applying the exponentiation rule, we have (r^2 s)^5 = r^10 s^5. This is the simplified expression.