Analysis reveals that _______ is among those countries with the lowest per capita GDP.

A. India
B. Argentina
C. Romania

To determine which country has the lowest per capita GDP among India, Argentina, and Romania, we need to compare their respective per capita GDP statistics.

Per capita GDP is calculated by dividing a country's total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) by its population. The result is an indicator of the average economic output per person in a country.

To find up-to-date per capita GDP information, we can refer to reliable sources such as international financial institutions, government publications, or reputable economic databases. One widely recognized source is the World Bank. The World Bank regularly publishes data on various economic indicators, including per capita GDP.

To get the answer, we can follow these steps:

1. Visit the World Bank's website (
2. Navigate to the "Data Catalog" or "Data" section.
3. In the search bar or options, find the per capita GDP data.
4. Specify the desired time period or select the latest available data.
5. Filter the results by the countries of interest: India, Argentina, and Romania.
6. Compare the per capita GDP figures for these countries.
7. Identify the country with the lowest per capita GDP among the three options.

By conducting the above steps, you will be able to find the answer and determine which country has the lowest per capita GDP among India, Argentina, and Romania.