Hi, I posted a question on the Foreign Languages section and I posted the answers I got but it doesn't show it went through. So I'll post it here! :)

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the preterite verb given.

1.)Yo______el tenis. (practicar)
2.)Elena y yo_____amigos. (ser)
3.)Ayer, mi hermano____ ____. (ducharse)
4.)Yo____la pelicula Thor. (ver)
5.)Mis amigos____mucho dinero. (tener)

My answers:
1.) practiqué
2.) fue
3.) me and duché
4.) vi
5.) tuvo

Can someone help me with these? Thanks so much!!!!!!!! :)

I'll send this to our Spanish language expert, SraJMcGin.

@Ms.Sue Thanks! :)

#2 . Note the plural subject "Elena y yo" = "nosotros" = fuimos

#3. Mi hermano = MY brother (not I) = se duchó
#5. Again, a plural subject = Mis amigos = Ellos = tuvieron


Sure! I'd be happy to help you with these exercises. Let's go through each sentence and determine if your answers are correct.

1.) Yo ______ el tenis. (practicar)

Your answer: practiqué

To determine if this is correct, we need to conjugate the verb "practicar" in the preterite tense for the subject pronoun "yo". The correct conjugation is "practiqué". So, your answer is correct!

2.) Elena y yo ______ amigos. (ser)

Your answer: fue

To determine if this is correct, we need to conjugate the verb "ser" in the preterite tense for the subject pronoun "Elena y yo". The correct conjugation is "fuimos" because "Elena y yo" is a plural subject. So, your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is "fuimos".

3.) Ayer, mi hermano ____ ____. (ducharse)

Your answer: me and duché

To determine if this is correct, we need to conjugate the reflexive verb "ducharse" in the preterite tense for the subject "mi hermano". The correct conjugation is "se duchó" or "se duchó mi hermano" to indicate ownership. So, your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is "se duchó".

4.) Yo ____ la película Thor. (ver)

Your answer: vi

To determine if this is correct, we need to conjugate the verb "ver" in the preterite tense for the subject pronoun "yo". The correct conjugation is "vi". So, your answer is correct!

5.) Mis amigos ____ mucho dinero. (tener)

Your answer: tuvo

To determine if this is correct, we need to conjugate the verb "tener" in the preterite tense for the subject pronoun "mis amigos". The correct conjugation is "tuvieron" because "mis amigos" is a plural subject. So, your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is "tuvieron".

So, out of the 5 sentences, you got 3 correct and 2 incorrect. Great job on the ones you got right! I hope this helps clarify the correct answers for you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!