Who knows how to do similar polygons in Geometry?!!!

I might no.. idk yet XD

Lol it's freak'n hard. Like how do you figure out how to solve R(0,0) Q(-4,0) and S(-2,4)

Is that on a coordinate plane?

Nope it is not! that's the hard part it just gave me numbers :(

Oh crap... Well, idk what is is then! :( Sorry

I never figured it out lol. but at least i have a 94% in my class

In Geometry, understanding similar polygons involves comparing their corresponding sides and angles. Here's how you can determine if two polygons are similar:

1. Corresponding Angles: Start by comparing the corresponding angles of both polygons. If all angles have the same measure, then the polygons are similar.

2. Corresponding Sides: Compare the lengths of the corresponding sides of the polygons. If the ratios of the corresponding side lengths are all equal, then the polygons are similar.

3. Angle-Angle (AA) Criterion: If two angles of one polygon are congruent to two angles of another polygon, then the two polygons are similar.

4. Side-Side-Side (SSS) Criterion: If the ratios of the corresponding side lengths of two polygons are equal, then the polygons are similar.

5. Side-Angle-Side (SAS) Criterion: If the ratio of the lengths of two corresponding sides are equal, and the included angles formed by those sides are equal, then the polygons are similar.

Remember, for two polygons to be similar, they must have the same shape, but can differ in size.

If you need further assistance or want to solve a specific problem related to similar polygons, feel free to provide more details.