what check does the president have over congress ?

a)rejecting candidates for the supreme court
b) overriding a veto
c) using a veto
d declaring laws unconstitutional


The correct answer is c) using a veto.

To understand the check that the President has over Congress, it is important to have some knowledge of the separation of powers in the United States government. The United States government is divided into three branches: the executive branch (which includes the President), the legislative branch (which includes Congress), and the judicial branch (which includes the Supreme Court). Each of these branches has its own powers and responsibilities, and they are designed to provide checks and balances on one another.

In this case, the President has the power to use a veto. When Congress passes a bill, it is sent to the President for approval. The President can either sign the bill into law or use a veto to reject it. If the President veto's a bill, it is sent back to Congress with the President's objections. Congress then has the opportunity to override the President's veto by voting on the bill again. If a two-thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate vote in favor of the bill, it becomes law despite the President's objections. However, if Congress fails to gather the necessary two-thirds majority, the bill does not become law.

So, while all the options you provided involve some interactions between the President and Congress, using a veto is the check that the President specifically has over Congress.
