The Banking e-Teller system allows bank customers to perform ATM transactions from their cell phone. BET will allow customers to check balances, make remote capture deposits, and perform balance transfers to their checking or savings account. Balance transfers should only be processed if the funds are available. It is time to start organizing your solution for this system and to begin development on your design proposal.

Create the following for BET:

Flowcharts showing the program processing flow for remote capture deposits, balance transfers, and balance inquiries. You may use Visual Logic to create your flowcharts.
Algorithms in pseudocode describing the steps the program will perform to handle remote photo capture of the check deposits, balance transfers, and balance inquiries.

Flowchart for Remote Capture Deposits:

1. Start
2. Display main menu
3. Get user input for option
4. If option == "Remote Capture Deposit"
5. Display instructions for capturing the check photo
6. Get user input for check photo
7. Validate check photo
8. If check photo is valid
9. Process deposit and credit funds to account
10. Display success message
11. Else
12. Display error message
13. Else if option == "Balance Transfer"
14. Get user input for transfer amount and target account
15. Validate transfer amount and target account
16. If transfer amount is valid and funds are available
17. Process balance transfer and update account balances
18. Display success message
19. Else
20. Display error message
21. Else if option == "Balance Inquiry"
22. Display current balance of selected account
23. End

Flowchart for Balance Transfers:

1. Start
2. Display main menu
3. Get user input for option
4. If option == "Balance Transfer"
5. Get user input for transfer amount and target account
6. Validate transfer amount and target account
7. If transfer amount is valid and funds are available
8. Process balance transfer and update account balances
9. Display success message
10. Else
11. Display error message
12. Else if option == "Remote Capture Deposit"
13. Display instructions for capturing the check photo
14. Get user input for check photo
15. Validate check photo
16. If check photo is valid
17. Process deposit and credit funds to account
18. Display success message
19. Else
20. Display error message
21. Else if option == "Balance Inquiry"
22. Display current balance of selected account
23. End

Flowchart for Balance Inquiries:

1. Start
2. Display main menu
3. Get user input for option
4. If option == "Balance Inquiry"
5. Display current balance of selected account
6. Else if option == "Remote Capture Deposit"
7. Display instructions for capturing the check photo
8. Get user input for check photo
9. Validate check photo
10. If check photo is valid
11. Process deposit and credit funds to account
12. Display success message
13. Else
14. Display error message
15. Else if option == "Balance Transfer"
16. Get user input for transfer amount and target account
17. Validate transfer amount and target account
18. If transfer amount is valid and funds are available
19. Process balance transfer and update account balances
20. Display success message
21. Else
22. Display error message
23. End

Algorithm for Remote Capture Deposits:

1. Start
2. Display main menu
3. Get user input for option
4. If option is "Remote Capture Deposit"
5. Display instructions for capturing the check photo
6. Get user input for check photo
7. Validate check photo
8. If check photo is valid
9. Process deposit and credit funds to account
10. Display success message
11. Else
12. Display error message
13. End

Algorithm for Balance Transfers:

1. Start
2. Display main menu
3. Get user input for option
4. If option is "Balance Transfer"
5. Get user input for transfer amount and target account
6. Validate transfer amount and target account
7. If transfer amount is valid and funds are available
8. Process balance transfer and update account balances
9. Display success message
10. Else
11. Display error message
12. End

Algorithm for Balance Inquiries:

1. Start
2. Display main menu
3. Get user input for option
4. If option is "Balance Inquiry"
5. Display current balance of selected account
6. Else
7. Display error message
8. End