mean absolute deviation ?

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The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is a statistical measure of the average absolute difference between each data point in a set and the mean of that set. It is used to understand the dispersion or spread of data.

To calculate the mean absolute deviation, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by calculating the mean (average) of the data set.
2. For each data point, subtract the mean from the data point to find the difference.
3. Take the absolute value of each difference. This eliminates negative values and gives you the absolute deviations.
4. Find the average of all the absolute deviations calculated in step 3. This is the mean absolute deviation.

Let's go through an example to understand this better:

Suppose we have a data set: {2, 5, 8, 11, 14}

1. Calculate the mean: (2 + 5 + 8 + 11 + 14) / 5 = 8
2. Subtract the mean from each data point:
2 - 8 = -6
5 - 8 = -3
8 - 8 = 0
11 - 8 = 3
14 - 8 = 6
3. Take the absolute values of the differences:
|-6| = 6
|-3| = 3
|0| = 0
|3| = 3
|6| = 6
4. Find the average of the absolute deviations: (6 + 3 + 0 + 3 + 6) / 5 = 3.6

Therefore, the mean absolute deviation for the given data set is 3.6.