
F=(1.8x37)+32= 96.6
Is this the right answer yes or no,
and what about this question.
F= (1.8x 37)+32
F= 66.6+32= 98.6
the right answer. yes or no.

Assuming that the Celsius temp was 37, the second answer is correct.

The first equation you provided is correct:

F = (9/5 x C) + 32

When substituting C = 37 into the equation:
F = (9/5 x 37) + 32
F = (333/5) + 32
F = 66.6 + 32
F ≈ 98.6

So, the answer to the first question is NO, the correct answer is approximately 98.6.

To determine if the answers are correct, let's verify the calculations step by step. The given formula is F = (9/5 * C) + 32.

For the first calculation:

F = (1.8 * 37) + 32
F = 66.6 + 32
F ≈ 98.6

The result obtained is approximately 98.6, which matches the second answer provided (98.6). Therefore, the second answer, "F = 66.6 + 32 = 98.6," is correct.

However, the first answer mentioned as "F = (1.8 * 37) + 32 = 96.6" is incorrect. The correct calculation should yield approximately 98.6, not 96.6.

So, to summarize:

Is the first answer (F = (1.8 * 37) + 32 = 96.6) correct? No.
Is the second answer (F = (1.8 * 37) + 32 = 98.6) correct? Yes.