You have £100 you have to buy 100 animals. 1 chicken costs 50p,1pig costs £10,1 sheep costs £2?

I assume you want to find a way to spend exactly £100 on some combination of animals.

c/2 + 10p + 2s = 100

One solution is
9 pigs, 16 chickens, 1 sheep (90+8+2)

Lots of other solutions exist by substituting a quantity of chickens or sheep for different numbers of pigs.

To determine how many of each animal you can buy, let's first convert the pound amounts into pence.

1 pound (£) is equal to 100 pence (p).

Now let's calculate the cost of each animal in pence:

- Chicken: 50p = 50 pence
- Pig: £10 = 10 * 100p = 1000 pence
- Sheep: £2 = 2 * 100p = 200 pence

With £100, you can spend 100 * 100p = 10,000 pence.

Next, let's calculate how many of each animal you can buy with the total amount you have:

- Chickens: You can buy 10,000 pence / 50 pence = 200 chickens
- Pigs: You can buy 10,000 pence / 1000 pence = 10 pigs
- Sheep: You can buy 10,000 pence / 200 pence = 50 sheep

Therefore, with £100, you can buy 200 chickens, 10 pigs, and 50 sheep.