the cast of painting a wall with dimensions 15m by 20m is 6250 find the altitude of a rhombus shaped window with side 7.5 m,,if the rate of painting 25 per m

To find the altitude of a rhombus-shaped window with a side length of 7.5m, we first need to understand what an altitude is in a rhombus.

In a rhombus, the altitude is a line segment that connects two opposite vertices and is perpendicular to the side. It is the shortest distance between two parallel sides.

Given that the side length of the rhombus-shaped window is 7.5m, we can use this information to find the altitude.

To find the altitude, we can divide the rhombus into two congruent right-angled triangles by drawing a line segment from one vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.

In each of these triangles, the base is one-half of the rhombus's side length, which is 7.5m/2 = 3.75m.

We also know that the rate of painting is $25 per meter. Since the area of each triangle is half of the area of the rhombus, we can calculate the area of each triangle using the formula:

Area = (base x height) / 2

Substituting the known values, we get:

6250 = (3.75 x height) / 2

To get rid of the fraction, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 2:

6250 x 2 = 3.75 x height

Simplifying further:

12500 = 3.75 x height

To solve for the height, we can isolate the variable by dividing both sides of the equation by 3.75:

height = 12500 / 3.75

Calculating further:

height = 3333.33

Therefore, the altitude of the rhombus-shaped window is approximately 3333.33 meters.