I expect a friend to be honest and a loyal person.

Expecting honesty and loyalty from a friend is reasonable and desirable in any relationship. However, it's important to note that individuals have different values and behaviors, and not everyone may meet these expectations. To determine if your friend is honest and loyal, you can consider the following steps:

1. Initial observation: Pay attention to your friend's actions, words, and consistency in behavior. Look for signs of honesty, such as being truthful, reliable, and sincere. Observe if they keep their promises, respect boundaries, and maintain consistent values.

2. Communication: Open and honest communication is key to any relationship. Talk to your friend about your expectations of honesty and loyalty. Ask them to express their thoughts and feelings on the matter. Creating an environment where both parties can openly discuss their needs and expectations can contribute to a stronger bond.

3. Trust and reliability: Trust is the foundation of any relationship. If your friend consistently demonstrates trustworthiness and reliability, it serves as an indicator of their honesty and loyalty. Observe if they maintain confidentiality, honor commitments, and are transparent in their actions.

4. Consistency of behavior: Assess whether your friend's behavior aligns with their words over an extended period. Consistency is an essential aspect of honesty and loyalty. If your friend demonstrates integrity and remains truthful and loyal in various situations, it enhances the likelihood that you can rely on their honesty and loyalty.

5. Actions speak louder than words: While words can be convincing, actions provide additional proof of someone's character. Evaluate if your friend consistently acts in ways that reflect honesty and loyalty, such as being there for you in times of need, supporting you, and showing genuine care and concern.

Remember that everyone may make mistakes or have moments of weakness, so it's essential to give your friend the benefit of the doubt unless there is significant and consistent evidence to suggest otherwise. Building trust and cultivating a loyal and honest friendship takes time and effort from both parties.