I'm doing a writing on why school sports should stay and not be banned. What is a good hooking sentence?

Stop child abuse!


People have known for millennia that humans need to be in balance.

"Constant Socratic theme: The parallel between health of the body and health of the soul, i.e. between physical health and moral or spiritual health..."

Of course, there needs to be balance ... not heavily emphasizing one or the other!

A strong hooking sentence can capture the reader's attention and set the tone for your argument. Here's a potential hooking sentence for your writing on why school sports should stay and not be banned:

"Imagine a school without the echoing cheers of students, the camaraderie between teammates, and the character-building lessons learned on the playing field - this is precisely why school sports should remain an essential part of the education system."

To create a similar hooking sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with a vivid and imaginative scenario or thought related to school sports.
2. Highlight something unique, compelling, or impactful about school sports.
3. Connect it to your overall argument or the main reasons why school sports should not be banned.

Remember, a hooking sentence should engage and captivate your audience, motivating them to continue reading your essay.