Through the tunnel by Dory Lessing 2 questions?

1. Richard and Jerry share similar character traits. Identify two ways these boys are quite similar. Use details and examples from the text to support your inferences.

2. both narrative selections selections depict protagonists who are estranged from their peers. what factors contribute to these strained relationships? use specific details and examples from each of the stories to support your observation.

the other narrative is A christmas story by truman capote?

3. what is a controlling theme and/or moral that can be applied to both narrative selections? use textual evidence to support your thinking.

4. while both protagonists have different family structures, the boys relationship with family members are similar in some aspects. explain two of these similarities and support your inferences with specific details and examples from the text.

A christmas story by truman capote

1. Write three adjectives that describe the relationship that Buddy shares with his cousin. use details and examples from the text to support your observations.

2. what makes this unlikely relationship flourish and thrive? use details and examples from the story to support your inferences

3. how does the author generate humor in this selection?

4. according to Buddy, where is "home"?

5. this short story recounts memories of great joy and great loss. discuss examples of each

6. identify a possible theme and or moral for this selection.

To answer these questions related to the short story "Through the Tunnel" by Doris Lessing, you will need to closely analyze the text for evidence to support your responses. Here's how you can approach each question and find the necessary details:

1. Richard and Jerry share similar character traits. Identify two ways these boys are quite similar. Use details and examples from the text to support your inferences.

To find similarities between Richard and Jerry, you will need to pay attention to their actions, thoughts, and dialogue in the story. Look for moments where their behaviors or attitudes align. Some key details to consider include:

- Both Richard and Jerry are determined and independent individuals. Richard is shown as a persistent and adventurous boy, as he wants to swim through the tunnel despite the risks involved. Jerry, too, is determined to become a skilled swimmer and practices every day to achieve his goal.

- They both display a sense of bravery. Richard demonstrates this when he confronts his fear of drowning and pushes himself to swim through the tunnel, even when it becomes dangerous. Jerry also exhibits bravery by trying to challenge himself to swim through the rocky channel.

Use specific quotes or scenes from the story to support your inferences. For instance, you can mention Richard's determination by referencing the part where he practices holding his breath in the water or mention Jerry's bravery when he chooses to swim through the dangerous channel.

2. Both narrative selections depict protagonists who are estranged from their peers. What factors contribute to these strained relationships? Use specific details and examples from each of the stories to support your observation.

To identify the factors contributing to the strained relationships with peers in the selected texts, you'll need to analyze the interactions and conflicts the protagonists face. Look for instances where the characters struggle to connect or are isolated from their peers. Consider the following points:

- In "Through the Tunnel," Jerry feels estranged from the older boys, who represent his idea of masculinity and adventure. His desire to prove himself and gain acceptance from them leads him to attempt the challenging feat of swimming through the tunnel. However, Jerry's single-minded focus on this goal causes him to separate from his younger friends and creates a divide between him and his peers.

- In the second story (not mentioned in the query), you need to identify the specific narrative selection being referred to. Without the name of the story, it is challenging to provide assistance on this question.

To support your observations, find quotes or scenes that highlight the strained relationships. For example, you can refer to moments where Jerry feels left out or struggles to fit in with the older boys. Additionally, explain how his ambitions and pursuit of the tunnel swimming impacts his relationship with his peers.

Remember, these responses require a critical analysis of the respective texts to support your answers with evidence from the story.

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