We were asked to pick 3 literary elements and explain how they can be affected by setting. I have protagonists and antagonists as one, that they can change due to not being completely rounded just yet - basically in the sense that the characters kind of create themselves as you write. Plot, because the original plans may change based on the place and time of the story. And tone - which can be affected by setting in the ways that it may be a dreary setting or maybe a happy one, and thus the tone could change based on where the story takes place.

Does that sound fine, or am I missing the assignment somehow?

Sounds fine, but "plot" is the entire thing, isn't it??

Go through these and see if you want to delete, add, or change anything.

Thanks! Yea, you're right! I appreciate the help!

Your understanding of the assignment is mostly correct, but I would suggest making a small adjustment to one of your elements. Instead of including protagonists and antagonists, which are more character-related elements, you could focus on themes.

Here's an example of how you can explain the three literary elements affected by setting:

1. Characters (Protagonists and Antagonists): The setting of a story can significantly impact the development and portrayal of characters. The environment, culture, and societal norms associated with a particular setting can influence the way characters behave, their motivations, and their values. For example, a character raised in a harsh and unforgiving setting might become hardened and skeptical, while someone from a nurturing and supportive environment might be more optimistic and trusting. So, the setting can shape and transform characters over time, allowing them to evolve and become more complex as the story progresses.

2. Plot: The setting of a story can have a profound impact on the plot's direction and outcome. Different settings present unique challenges and opportunities for the characters, leading to various conflicts and plot developments. For instance, a story set in the bustling streets of a metropolitan city might involve a fast-paced and action-packed plot, whereas a story set in a small, isolated town might focus on interpersonal relationships and community dynamics. The setting can also influence the events that occur and the choices characters make, as cultural, geographical, or historical elements can shape the trajectory of the plot.

3. Themes: The setting can play a crucial role in determining the themes or underlying messages of a story. The different aspects of a particular setting, such as its geography, climate, or social structure, can reflect or symbolize broader ideas and concepts. For example, a story set in a dystopian society may explore themes of oppression and rebellion, using the setting to highlight the negative consequences of unchecked power. On the other hand, a story set in a serene natural landscape might emphasize themes of harmony, connection with nature, and personal growth. The setting can thus influence the overall tone and message conveyed in the story, shaping the reader's interpretation and understanding of the themes.

By considering how the setting affects characters, plot, and themes, you can create a more nuanced and detailed analysis of literary elements in relation to the assignment.